Mikey the Chao's Story

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The Ice Maiden
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Mikey the Chao's Story

Post by The Ice Maiden »

The Adventure Begins
A shiny-white chao egg sat in the green grass of the chao garden, sort of wobbling. The other chao were playing happily, and a very anxious green, future hero chao sat beside the egg. His name was Nameless-Chao, otherwise known as Name, and the chao inside the egg was his future sister.

Their other sibling had disappeared a while ago, while the other had passed on at an early age. Name was the only one who was liable to take care of his sister, since their parents were both gone as well.

Suddenly, the egg began to quake.

Name looked anxiously at the egg once it did. His eyes were round. He began to squeeze a nearby chao fruit so hard that it burst open, splattering orange stuff all over him. Discussed, yet too excited to go to the pool and wash himself off, he sat there, hugging his knees.


A crack formed in the egg, and Name gasped. His heart was pounding so hard, his toes were vibrating. Would she be alright? He had never cared for a baby chao before. Horror hovered over his head like a storm cloud about to burst, but yet he had a different feeling inside him as well. Something warm and glowy, like all his emotions were mixed together.

Another crack.

And then another.

Name was utterly silent, barely able to contain this news from the other chao in the garden. Yet, why was it so exciting for him? It was a normal thing for eggs to hatch. Every chao had seen it happen. But something about this one made him so exasperated. Maybe it was because that if he knew that if he didn't take care of him--or her--he would never forgive himself, and if is parents were still alive, they wouldn't either.

Suddenly, the entire upper half of the shell popped off, and it revealed a rather confuzzled little chao. She opened her mouth a bit and blinked her eyes, then looked around. Her eyes rested on Name.

At first, she was shocked, but then she began to giggle uncontrollably. A question formed from the emotiball above Name's head. What on earth caused this chao to laugh so much?

The little chao blinked, then said: "MIKEY!!!"

Then Name remembered.

Back when the baby chao's egg was new, he would talk to it. The other chao laughed at him for this, and that's why he eventually stopped. But when he did, the only thing he would say was "Mikey", and the egg would shake. He had always thought that it was near hatching, but it never had, and that's another reason why he gave up. Maybe she could've actually heard him! This was a cool discovery. He nodded, and replied, "Mikey."

The little chao burst into laughter again, and fell over. Soon after, she began to cry.

Name felt a bit guilty. He picked hismelf up and ran to the little chao and helped her up. She looked up at him with big, grateful blue eyes, which Name thought was unnatural. Blue eyes? Only Dark Chao had blue eyes, and even that was the outer rim. But despite the little chao's differences, he loved her anyway.

"That's what I'll call you," Name decided at last. "Mikey-Chao. Mikey for short,"

Mikey cooed and snuggled up closer in his arms. Name smiled. He had a feeling she and him would grow up to be very close.

Or so he hoped.
Chapter 1
Some Friends?
It had been something close to six years. Name was now 13, and Mikey was 6. They did indeed become best friends--it didn't make a difference if they were siblings. One day in particular, though, Mikey was looking at a deliciously ripe fruit dangling from a tree...

"Mmmm," she muttered, rubbing her stomach as she stared up at it. Standing on her tiptoes, she outstretched her arms and tried--without success--too grab the fruit. So, she tried something different. She fluttered her wings and flew up, and stayed aerial just long enough to grab it, and she plopped back to the ground. "Yummm," she said, and she took a bite out of it. Orange juice was soon plastered all over her face. "YUM AGAIN!" she exclaimed, and she through herself into the chao fruit, devoiuring every single last morsel.

Once it was gone, Mikey was utterly disappointed. "Awww," she moaned, but her eyes caught sight of the Black Market.
Her eyes widened. "Ah-ha!" she said. "I'll get another Chao fruit there,"

But her brother had beaten her too it. Glancing over at her, he grinned and flew to the salesman. "Hey," he said. "I would like...one chao fruit, please."

The marketter nodded and went to the back on the market.

Mikey was suddenly on top of him, her eyes an expression of sheer frustration and annoyance. "Hey!" she exclaimed. "I want one too!"

"Alright, then get off me!" said Name, somewhat irritated. Suddenly satisfied, Mikey hopped off and did a little happy dance.

"Make that two!" Name called, and in a moment they were both satisfied with the delicious fruit juices of the Chao fruits.

"So...round..." murmured Mikey as she stared at her precious morsel, her eyes as big as saucers and full of glee. "So...DELICIOUS...."

Name chuckled. "Well, hurry up and eat it! It won't stay ripe forever, you..." he trailed off as he saw two other chao in the distance, chatting. He stood up and began to walk over stealthily. "Hey!" called Mikey, dropping her fruit. "Where are you going!?" and she darted after him.

In a moment, the two were behind the others. Mikey heard the younger one whisper, "Vespie...some weird chao are coming over here..."

Name twitched his ears. "I heard that," he said, and he sat down cross-legged.

Mikey helplessly pulled at her brother's arm, her eyes wide with alarm. "Name!! What are you doing!? They obviously
don't want us around!" she whispered urgently.

"What?" sighed Name. "You can't get in trouble for being curious,"

The other young chao hid behind the older chao, and murmured, "I'm afraid of strangers..."

Mikey smiled. "There's nothing to be afraid of! We're perfectly harmless," she said, clapping her paws. She was beginning to enjoy this.

Name poked his sister. "I'm known for being somewhat aggressive towards others," he reminded her.

"Ha-ha!" Mikey said, glaring at him as she elbowed him. "WHAT A FUNNY JOKE, NAME, YOU ARE JUST SO HILARIOUS."

Name raised his imaginary eyebrows.

The younger chao stared at them, and she slowly came out from behind them and sat down. Her expression seemed less frightened now, but more curious.

"I have a half-finished Chao fruit back there," Mikey offered. "You want it?"

"No thank you!" said the other chao. "But thank you for the offer,"

Mikey stod up and whispered something to Name. "You know I don't have any friends," she said. "I want to make one now!"

"Go ahead and do it for all I care," Name murmured with a soft growl. Mikey blinked and gasped, horrifed at her brother's behavior. Why was he being so negative towards this Chao?

Suddenly, a different chao approached. He greeted the two different chao and sat down next to them, looking somewhat...suspicious.

"... so," Mikey continues awkwardly. "What's your name?"

"Yeah," Name pressed. "What is it, hmm?"

The little chao shrunk back and stammered. "M-my name is...K-Kawaii,"

The newly arrived one stood up and glared at Mikey and Name. "Kawaii, are these guys bullying you?" He asked, his fists clenched, ready to fight.

"N-No..." Kawaii stuttered.

The poor girl, thought Mikey. Suddenly, she couldn't take any more of her brother's behavior. She grabbed his shoulder with her paw and drug him under a tree, her eyes flaring with something close to anger--the closest she had ever gotten to be upset with her brother. "Name, what is wrong with you?" She exclaimed. "Why are you being so negative? I'm trying to make friends here; why do you have to ruin it for me? For once in my life, I want friends. Why so you have to keep destroying that chance!?"

Name blinked, flustered. His mouth opened as if to say something, but then he snapped it shut. "Its none of your concern," he muttered, turning away and hugging his knees.

Mikey's jaw dropped. For a moment, she was silent. "Fine!" She blustered. "Go ahead and just sir here, for all I care!" She kicked up some dust and ran back to her friends, tears spilling from her eyes. Once she was a few feet away, she wiped them off. Who needed him?

She could take care of herself!
Chapter 2
As Mikey walked up to them, she sighed. "I'm so sorry about my brother," she said. "I've never seen him act so...I don't know, upset I guess."

"Its alright," said Kawaii with a faint smile. "My brothers fight sometimes, too."

The one who had arrived latest, a sapphire chao, stepped forward. "My name is Pebbles," he said. "I see you've already met my younger sister, Kawaii." He gestured to the little chao with a paw. "And that's my other brother; Vesperal."

Vesperal nodded curtly in greeting.

"Its nice too meet you all," Mikey said politely. "I'm Mikey,"

"Its a pleasure too meet you as well, Mikey." Said Vesperal.

Mikey smiled, and looked back at her Chao fruit. "I'll see you guys later, OK?" She said. "I have to go....see you!" And she ran back to the rock on which she had been eating. "Bye!" She heard Kawaii call.

But it hadn't been long upon Mikey's arrival to the boulder that the ground began to quake. "Hmm?" Mikey looked up from her fruit and glanced around. "What..."

"Hey, Mikey!" She heard Pebbles voice shout. "Wasn't your brother under that tree a moment ago!?"

Mikey turned to the tree in which she had left him, and her eyes widened in dismay. "Oh, no!" She cried. Suddenly, an enormous gust of wind almost knocked her off her feet. "We have to find him!" She said, hoping her voice could be heard above the raging winds.

Pebbles heard a squeak from where Mikey was standing. He glanced at Kawaii, whom of which shrugged, and he turned back to the six-year-old Chao's direction; "What!?"

"WE HAVE TO FIND HIM!" Mikey screamed.

"We have to grind ham!?" Vesperal asked, utterly confused.

"No! UGH!" Mikey began to stomp up and down, immensely irritated. "I said, WE HAVE TO FIND HIM!!!"

"Oh!" Said Pebbles. "Well why didn't you say so?? We'll--" he was cut off by a scream from his sister, who was being dragged away by the wind. "Oh my word!" Gasped Pebbles. He ran to his sister and grabbed her paws. "Hold on, Sis! I got--whoa!" He himself was lifted off his feet and the two went careening through the air.

"Guys!" Gasped Vesperal.

Mikey gasped and looked up at them. "Kawaii!" She cried. The earth rumbled and shook, and Mikey began to wobble. "Whooaa!" She shouted as she began to be pulled backwards by the wind's strength. Desperate to stay on her feet, she grabbed the trunk of a tree.

But unfortunately, the tree began to shake. It fell over and flung Mikey into the sky. She squeezed her eyes shut and screamed, fearing the worst.

"I gotcha!" Pebbles said. His voice was astonishingly close, and then she felt a paw grab hers. Only then did she dare open her eyes

"No don't look--!" Gasped Pebbles. Bit it was too late. Mikey screamed an ear-splitting scream, for they were tumbling to the earth. She glared at Pebbles, who grinnes sheepishly. Within moments, a black cocoon surrounded him.

"Pebbles!?" Gasped Kawaii.

The black cocoon vanished. Pebbles looked around. "What--!?"

A few moments later, they landed in something squishy and soft. For a moment, Pebbles looked confused and flustered, but then his face lightened as if a lightbulb had blinked on over his face.


Though Pebbles looked like he knew what was going on, Mikey was still baffled. Very baffled. Kawaii crawled over to her and whispered, "He does that all the time. It comes from his scar... I think,"

Last edited by The Ice Maiden on Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
peace out ci
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Re: Mikey the Chao's Story

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peace out ci
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Re: Mikey the Chao's Story

Post by Tri »

Hewo. Can yoo pweez keep witing?
This is a REALLY old avatar, so thanks to SonicRainboom!

I finally got a deviantart! Only one drawing now, but check it out!
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Re: Mikey the Chao's Story

Post by The Ice Maiden »

Lol xD sure thing boss


EDIT: new part of chapter 2 up
peace out ci
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Re: Mikey the Chao's Story

Post by The Ice Maiden »

Major bumper cars.
peace out ci
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Re: Mikey the Chao's Story

Post by The Ice Maiden »

MAJOR major major bump
peace out ci